Don’t do what I did. Last month, I sent an email to our NationalWeb clients without triple-checking it. As a result, anyone who wanted to learn more about “Essential SEO Tasks for Small Businesses” got shunted to a different article about email marketing. It was an easy mistake to make, but it also would’ve been an easy mistake to catch. More importantly, I think readers really wanted to learn about those essential SEO tasks (you can read the correct post here). My apologies.
My mistake has reminded me (again) how important it is to not let the small stuff slip just because I’m busy. And now that it’s the holiday season, who isn’t busy? December may be slow for non-retail SMBs, but it’s not slow for the owners and staff of said SMBs. With this in mind, here’s a short checklist of digital items to do (or at least keep an eye on) in between holiday parties and last-minute trips to the mall.
A Holiday Checklist for SMBs
- Remember, adding fresh content to your website will improve its ranking in search. Try adding a “Happy Holidays” banner to your home page or holiday-themed photos. Write a holiday-themed blog post.
- Along the same lines, social media is the best place to stay current with your community. Post a digital “holiday card” on Facebook. Did your company have a holiday party? Share some photos!
- Do you run digital ads? If you’re not a retailer, consider avoiding the competition by shutting off your advertising completely.
- If your business will be shuttered for part of the holiday season, make sure to communicate these closures to your customers, either by email or on your website.
- Back up your data! The madness of December, both offline and on, makes it prime time for hackers. Make sure your security systems are updated and all of your data is backed up.
- Block out some time this month to think about next month. Many industries come roaring back to life in January. Make sure your website is ready for the New Year, consider your digital marketing budget and set some goals.
- Sweat the small stuff (do as I say, not as I did). Don’t let the holiday bustle get in the way of running your business like the pro that you are.
And that’s it! Now relax, enjoy and go sing some carols.
We wish you a happy, peaceful and joy-filled holiday season.